Bloody Workshop 2024.1024

Bloody Workshop 2024.1024

Free Callibrate controls and buttons of your Bloody series mouse
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2024.1024 See all
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Used by 7 people

Bloody is software that enhances the functions of Bloody series mouse with its multiple features, and offers a more satisfactory an convenient experience for online gamers. You can calibrate the controls according to your taste, as well as the sensitivity and speed of the mouse’s buttons.

The program is made for experienced gamers since, for people with little experience like me, it can be rather confusing regarding its terms and the control change options it offers. Even as it offers a programming guide, you need to have some previous knowledge about the issue. You can go to the web page containing the program’s manuals, but it is only in Chinese, so you will need how to read the language, or translate the text into your own language.

It goes without saying that to use all the features of the program, you need to have a Bloody series mouse. The upper menu changes depending on the modifications you want to make to each core, but despite the fact that the program is free, you need to have a code to activate the “Test” option and cores 3 and 4, which are switches than enhance the response of the programmable buttons of the hardware.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
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Review summary


  • Calibrate the controls of the Bloody series mouse
  • Many options and modifications available


  • Manuals are only in Chinese language
  • You need to purchase codes for accessing more advanced functions
  • Only for Bloody series hardware



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